The Radical Retirement Gift Guide

retirement gift suggestions


Retirement is something we all look forward to in life. We can finally set to rest the stresses and strains of working life and enjoy quality time with our loved one and most of all, time to ourselves! However retiree’s can often find that they are busier than ever before with grandkids being dropped off at the door, social engagements cropping up and trying to fit in all those things you have never had time to do before. When someone you know is retiring get them a gift that will really benefit them in their retirement.

Retirement gifts for him or her are surprisingly easy to find. A simple browse on line will uncover dozens of gifts you never would have imagined or found on the high street. When wondering what would be the perfect gift for your retiree, think of conversations you have had in the past. They may have mentioned something they have always wanted to do and now s your opportunity to make that happen.

Experience day gift packages are a fantastic way to make someone’s dreams a reality. Perhaps they are a motor enthusiast, in which case you could book them a day driving a Ferrari around a race track or for the more relaxed option you could hire them a vintage car for the day. Any car lover will appreciate these gifts as they are not likely to be an experience they can ever repeat or have evr done before.

Perhaps they deserve some time alone with their partner so why not purchase them an experience day gift for two. They could spend an afternoon wine tasting or being pampered at a spa. Perhaps they have a favourite hobby such as gardening? You could send the green fingered pair on a vegetable growing course or even purchase tickets for the Chelsea Flower Show. Gifts like these demonstrate that not only have you thought of them, but their loved one too.

Perhaps you are tightening the purse strings this year, like so many of us, and can’t quite afford these gifts. Not to worry, a bottle of champagne always goes down well! Don’t just present them with a regular bottle though, why not personalise it, to make your gift a unique one? The label on the bottle can be personalised to feature the recipient’s name and a message of your choosing; accompany this with two engraved champagne flutes and you’re on to a memorable gift that won’t break the bank.

Novelty items such as personalised key rings or mugs featuring a photo of the retiree and a humorous greeting chosen by you are also popular gifts for him or her. These gifts are indeed cheap and cheerful but show the thought and effort you went to, to make them special.

For a humour injection why not throw in an inflatable simmer frame or walking stick, after all if they are retiring they must be getting on a bit!

So as you can see the range of gifts suitable for retirees are massive and you will have fun choosing. We can bet you will be tempted to buy some of our suggestions for yourself too! Happy Hunting!