Dean Holland's "Starting With Marketing"

roast of dean martin

If you're like me you have been searching for a way to be successful online. Who do you trust? You've probably purchased countless ebooks and programs that claimed that they would teach you how to make money using the internet, only to find that you were making them rich by buying their program.

Well, I now have a mentor to teach me how to be successful online. His name is Dean Holland and I would like to share some of the things that I have observed about Dean as a person.

When we had our first "one hour" conference call you could hear how excited he was for us, his students. The "one hour" call actually turned into a call that lasted about three hours. Yes, that is a long time, but what impressed me most about Dean during that first introductory call is that fact that he answered each and every question we had. I mean every question! He exhausted our questions. WOW! I think that says a lot about what kind of mentor he is and how much he really cares about us.

Oh, and by the way, I'm in California in the United States. Dean lives in the UK where, to accommodate his students, he started the call at 10 pm, UK time. That means that the call did not end until about 1 am, UK time. Again, that shows how much he cares.

If you have been trying to figure out this online marketing thing, then you have probably been on a few conference calls where, when they say the call will last an hour, they mean an hour. No more, no less. Even if you still have a question they cut you off. How irritating is that?

I feel so blessed to be in Dean's first ever Starting With Marketing Academy. I actually deleted a couple of emails from other people promoting Dean's program.

In fact, I deleted all of them. I read them, but deleted them. Afterwords there was something in my gut that told me that I could not miss this opportunity. I am so glad that I did decide to join. I'm lovin' it, and learning tons!

When this opportunity rolls around the next time you have to jump on it. Don't hesitate! There are a lot of people that missed out once Dean closed the doors to his class, and if that was you I'm so sorry. Dean is "Top Shelf" in my humble opinion, and we will be successful with his help.

Thanks Dean, for such a great opportunity. You're the best!
