Funny But Effective Things You Can Do to Stay Thin

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Staying thin or slim is such a hard thing to do these days. With the assortment of foods available for consumption, it is really hard for anyone to resist the temptation to indulge in the foods. Take a good look at it... everything is literally just one click away. From pizzas to ice creams, all you have to do is log in, give your card details and within 30 minutes, you have the delivery man waiting outside your door. However, anyone willing to stay slim has got to adopt a certain lifestyle as the "calling" isn't for everyone. Here are things you can do to help stave off the grisly hands of fat from your body.

1. Smell anything enticing to you

Ok, this is funny, but the truth is it works. The brain is a funny machine and can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. If you aren't hungry, avoid eating more by simply smelling whatever is appealing to you at the moment. More preferable is either sniffing an apple, a peppermint, or strawberry when you feel like eating unnecessarily. This has been proven when over three thousand participants were given different fruits to smell when the felt hungry. According to the Director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, Alan R. Hirsch M.D, the experiment proved that when people smell or sniff any of these fruits, their hunger or snack pangs reduced as the body actually though that it was eating. So, just like people withdrawing from smoking, this helps you keep thin.

2. Visualize the Creepiest Animals or Scenes

When someone suggested this, people thought he was crazy until a few people decided to try it out. The results varied from person to person. The concept is simple, when you are feeling like having that high carb snack, imagine things like a spider in its place and you putting it in your mouth.

If it is a steak you want to have, imagine that it was prepared using a lizard and see if your appetite doesn't vanish. Another method is imagining that you are about to either eat someone's puke. Gross and Crude? Yes, but it is very effective.

3. Go watch the goat or sheep eat.

If you have seen these creatures eat, you will find that they know how to chew their meals. Learn how to chew and eat slowly; this will help in reducing the rate at which you rush food. There is no harm eating a meal for 20 minutes. Try this and you just might not finish the meal regardless of how small it is. This is because it has proven that the stomach does not really start the digestion process until after about 20 minutes. During this process, food is gradually absorbed in the body and the stomach feels like it is full. With this, you sure would find yourself eating less food and losing those extra pounds.