Basic Terms to Postcard Printing
If you want to understand everything about a single concept, postcard printing or commercial printing for example, you need to be able to understand some basic key words about the subject. The production of full color postcards, photo postcards, and other types of custom postcards, for example, involves a rather extensive glossary for any person or company willing to learn more about it. If you understand anything at all about postcard printing, you would know that cheap postcards are not simple bought and mailed to customers and that there are more to postcards than meets the eye. For now though, here are some of the most basic terms to memorize and take into your heart just to start you off on the right track.
Postcard. Naturally, if you want to know more about a postcard’s quality print design, printing procedures, etc. you would first have to know and be able to define what a postcard is. Generally speaking, a postcard is a card that is primarily designed and printed for sending through mail as a greeting or as a memento to keep. While it is not mainly used purely for publicity purposes, there are cases when postcards are sent by a business or a company in order to call customers to action either by buying something or signing up for some kind of membership or subscription. Whether or not this is the use you are aiming for with your postcards, the important thing is you know the basic definition.
 Mint. This term is entirely concerned with the condition of the postcard being talked about. You may have already heard of people talking about stuff being in “mint condition†and you now know that this is the best possible condition something will have.
 Novelty. This term has been added here in order to remind you that postcard printing is not such a generic and clear-cut thing. Even with this industry, people try to deviate from the norm and they end up making some novelty postcards which have unique defining characteristics of their own. There is nothing wrong with being by-the-book, but at the same time there is also nothing wrong with being unique, so as long as you understand the significance behind this word you are free to choose the path you will take with your own postcards.
 It is funny how three simple words can mean quite a lot despite their short length and how these words can tell you so much about postcard printing and the expensive or cheap postcards you order from your printer. Here are three words to add to vocabulary, and you are already three steps closer to better understanding your commercially printed postcards.
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