Wonderful Wedding Anniversary Gifts For Your Wife

wedding anniversary wife


Being the male of the species we have a lot of important things on our minds such as work, football and beer. That is why it can be hard to keep track of all these occasions requiring gifts our wives keep reminding us of: Christmas, Valentines Day, Easter, Birthdays and of course anniversaries. It seems like we only get one occasion over with and they are already hinting helpfully about the next one. Can’t a guy catch a break? My advice is always no. Trust me there is nothing worse than twelve whole months of living with a woman who was forgotten on her anniversary. Do not go there!

Wedding anniversaries do not have to be flashy occasions. It can be something as simple as a romantic meal at home, a picnic under the stars in your own garden while the kids sleep or a cosy meal for two at her favourite restaurant. However do not go thinking that an evening like this substitutes gifts for her. You really don’t want to deal with her wrath after a hard day at work do you?

This year instead of a box of mass produced chocolates or special offer bottle of wine which screams “last minute trip to Tesco,” get her something she can really value. Personalised gifts are taking over the present market. Adding your own personal touch to a gift not only makes in unique but shows the extra time and effort you spent to make this anniversary truly memorable.

You could present your lovely wife with a hamper of personalised chocolate bars bearing greetings and intimate messages on and within the wrappers, personalised champagne bearing a message of your choosing on the label and finish off the pack with two personalised engraved champagne flutes bearing the date of your wedding. Trust me, she will love you for it and the chocolate overload will boost her serotonin levels making your household a happier place. Cheeky!

One of the most important elements of anniversaries is making that extra effort to spend time alone together so why not purchase an experience day gift package for two? You could spend the day at the spa, relaxing in the hot tub and availing of side by side massages or go on a cookery course together, you never know you might pick up a new hobby along the way! Keep an eye on the internet for last minute hotel deals and sweep her off her feet with five star luxuries whilst saving your bank balance a few bob simultaneously. Gifts for her like this providing time alone together will remind you both of how it was before the kids and careers and once that personalised champagne is popped open the romance will soon flow.

When your anniversary comes around think ahead, all you need is internet access to browse online for the perfect gifts. You don’t even need to leave the office! Just have a browse through our suggestions and maybe we have inspired you to think of your own. All it takes is ten minutes to create the perfect anniversary for both of you to enjoy and treasure the memories forever.