Things to do in Miami

fun things in miami

Miami, one of the only cities where the girls are as beautiful as the beaches. Combine this with all of the other things to do there and you could spend your whole life here and still not do everything there is to do in this great city. Since I can’t mention all of the things you can do in Miami on this page I will tell you about some of the places and things that you can do that will make you feel as if you have experienced everything that Miami has to offer.

The first thing that should accompany a visit to Miami is obviously going to it’s world class beautiful beaches, where you can work on your tan, go swimming, play some beach volleyball and catch the occasional beach party. It is one of the best and most inexpensive things to do in Miami, if you are close enough to the beach it wont have to cost you anything as you can just walk there obviously.

Another thing to do in Miami that is to hit up Zoo Miami which is considered one of the best Zoo’s in Continental USA. Because of the climate in Miami they can comfortably keep many amazing animals that you usually can’t keep anywhere apart from in their natural habitat. Although not the cheapest of things to do in Miami it is defiantly worth it when you think of the animals like the rare white tiger which you would probably almost never see anywhere else. Another cool thing about Zoo Miami is the fact that the animals are kept in enclosures that are close to their natural surroundings, for example the giraffes are with the gazelles so it is like what it would really be like in Africa.

Another thing that is quite an amazing thing to do is to go to the Everglades. This is over a million acres of Swamp land, that has many endangered species of animals like the American Crocodile in it’s natural habitat.

You can get around the everglades by either kayaking around them or if you aren’t to keen on going in the water with animals then you can do a tramp around the dry parts which still lets you see some amazing scenery.

The last thing that everyone should do in Miami is take a trip to Jungle Island, as you may have guessed this is an island that is just off of the coast of Miami that has many animals that you would expect to find in a jungle apart from this is a completely safe environment. The animals include Lions, Tigers, Monkeys, Baboons and many more they even have a liger there which is a breed made up of half lion half tiger.

Now that you know off these amazing things to do when you go on your trip to Miami you won’t be stuck looking for cool things to do. Whether it is your first trip to Miami or your 20th I guarantee you will have huge amounts of fun at any number of these places.

Now that you have learn some things you can do in Miami you can learn about miami beach vacation packages.