Growing Concord Grapes

concord nh homes

Do you want to start growing your own grapes? Do you want to eat the freshest grapes from your own backyard? Do you have enough time to tend the grape vines? Then, growing grapes is just for you. But if you want very basic grape species to start with, then your best choice is to start growing Concord grapes.


Concord grapes are named after Concord, Massachusetts. These are commonly seen in the market, and unlike other grapes, they can be used for direct eating, jellies and jams, juices, and even wine. They are known for their color that ranges from light purple to dark blue. And, growing Concord grapes is not difficult to do.


Consider your backyard to be used for planting the grapes. Do you have a large area for growing? Is it in a slope style and has a drainage system? Can you prevent pests from eating your grape vines, and does your home allow sunshine to pass through it? Also consider if the climate in your area is also suitable for the Concord grapes. If it is, then it is the perfect spot for growing Concord grapes.


Plant Concord grape vines 8-10 feet apart from each other to let the roots grow freely. Put on a standing pole and tie it to be a standing guide for the plant. Water more often especially during the first month to let these grape vines get used to the soil.


Put on trellises above the plants that are three feet from the base. These will be the backbone of the branches when the grapes mature.

Train or guide the vines when it reaches the first trellis. It takes weeks just to know that the plant should move upwards on it's own. And cut the buds during the winter so that the grape vines will be healthier next spring.


After three years, Concord grapes in your backyard can be harvested. Wait until a bluish color develops, and wait for a few more weeks to allow them to ripen. Taste it or use a sweetness tester to determine if it is ripe. If it is, it is harvest time.


Growing Concord grapes are easy but it takes years just to get the best fruits. However, you can be sure that the fruits of your labor, literally, will be all worth it.